Friday, January 27, 2012

I just presented my second paper !

Updating my blog after a long time.

Looking at the title of my post, you'll guess that something major has been happening over the past month. Well, you're right. Not only did I present my first research paper, but went ahead and presented my second as well.
In fact, I only just returned home from presenting my second paper.
My second paper was presented at the NCTM 2012 conference Sri Lanka.

The conference website is :

My research paper was on EMR systems and rehabilitation treatment. It was a very pertinent paper from the Sri Lankan perspective, especilly as we are only just recovering from a war, and there are many disabled people in need of rehabilitation and therapy.
I feel that my paper was well received. It was also a major achievement for me.

So now you will ask, "wait, what about the first paper?"

Well that, my friend, belongs to another post. Also, I plan to post a more detailed description on my second paper as well. But I'm too tired to write any more now. Incredible as it may seem, I've been sleeping somewhere around just four hours a day for the past week or so !!

Nothing good comes easy :-)

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