A quick post to say that I've been published on the Google blog.
More specifically, an article I wrote on my experience at the OpenMRS implementer conference was published on the Google opensource blog.
This is a really big deal to me, since its the first time I have been singly picked out by Google. However a lot of the credit should go to my good friend Michael Downey, who actually spearhearded the entire effort. If it wasn't for him, I'd be just another boring old student.
The article appears here (http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2011/10/openmrs-welcomes-with-open-arms.html)
Its been modified slightly so that none technical people can understand it better, but otherwise its pretty much the same.
PS: I can honestly say that this is the "one small step for me, one huge step for my future" moment of my career.
Thank you Michael !!!!!
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