Saturday, October 1, 2011

OpenMRS Sync module

I've been involved in the OpenMRS sync module.
We had a sprint for this a few weeks back. Basically, we were aiming to prepare it for a 1.0 release.

The sync module is  great concept. You can check it out here.

Its purpose is to let users who have multiple sites with separate databases to copy data from each other. Databases are defined as parent or child databases.
The Parent is always the computer or site that is most central. Multiple child sites send their data up to the parent site for dissemination. Children/parent sites can be set up in a multi hierarchy way.

Apparently work on the Sync module was started as far back as 2007 by Christian Allen of PIH.

Its also noteworthy that the Sync module is the first ever OpenMRS module that i'd been involved in - all my prior work was on the trunk.

Even more noteworthy, not a single one of my commits (thankfully) broke the build during the sprint .....

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