Thursday, November 3, 2011

My work with AMPATH - Part one

I've been busy working with AMPATH engineers over the past week. We did a lot of important work to help AMPATH switch to the latest patient Matching module, and I'm happy to have played a role in getting this up and running.

For all of you who don't know what AMPATH is, its practically one of OpenMRS's birthplaces. For more details, please visit here.

It all started off after I got a mail from Dr. Shaun (THE Dr. Shaun from Regenstrief) asking if I could help the AMPATH people upgrade their system to the latest patient matching release. basically, AMPATH was using OpenMRS 1.8.2, and wanted to move on to the latest version of our module (which was supposed to be 1.2.2, but ultimately turned out to be 1.2.4 due to all the changes that we made)

Naturally, I was pleased to jump in and help out (who wouldn't ?)

So I contacted Ada (Ada Yeung, who works with AMPATH)  got access to AMPATH test server, and started checking out the system. Unfortunately, the test server was somewhat muddled up, mainly due to the large number of tomcat and OpenMRS modules installed everywhere.

So I contacted James (James Egg from Regenstrief) sorted everything out, upgraded the test server and got the latest running. The Upgrading process went pretty smoothly ( You will really admire the OpenMRS design once you see how easy it is to switch to - fro and upgrade with a live DB) and I didnt have any data problems at all.

So I went ahead and fixed a number of major showstoppers.

Dr. Shaun and Ada were very happy with my work, especially with the bug fixes.

So I committed the new changes, and stood down for the testing to begin.

And so was that the end of the story ? oh no, this was just the beginning. It all got pretty complicated after that...

Expect the full details in the next blog post !!!!

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