Monday, December 5, 2011

My tee shirts have arrived !

So, as the heading says, my tee shirts arrived today. As anticipated, the Sri Lankan postal department had torn open the parcel to see if they can steal anything. Unfortunately for them, the parcel contained only items of sentimental value (I had especially asked Ada NOT to send anything valuable) So all the contents of the parcel were pretty much intact.

I got the Muzungu shirt (mentioned in previous post) an AMPATH tee shirt and finally, an awesome Regenstrief tee shirt.
The tee shirt is rather big, but I really really love it.

I'll post a pic of me wearing this shirt here. Please excuse my unusual apperance in this photo. It was taken shortly after I just work up :-)

Thanks to everyone who helped get the shirts from Kenya -> Indiana -> Sri Lanka !!!!!!!!!!

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