Sunday, December 18, 2011

I've been published in the Sunday Observer !!

Some more (slightly delayed) good news.

A article on myself and my OpenMRS work was published in this weeks Sunday Observer.
Now for those of you who don't know, the Sunday observer is Sri Lankas leading State owned English newspaper.
As I remember, their circulation is about 0.5 million copies (which is a very big deal in a country such as Sri Lanka.)
Basically, the article covers my comments on my OpenMRS work, and also some tips / hints on working in the community.
In fact, its the very same article on myself that was published in the IIT Student magazine. I cant remember if I ever blogged on that article, but let me check up on that.
I'm still looking for an online version of this item, but failing to find one, Ill upload a photo of the article.
But anyway, this article in not an actual 'victory', but rather a report of an old victory. Lets hope there'll be lots more victories over the next year ! :-)

PS: On an unrelated note, I just remembered that one of my key concerns during my days as a writer was how much longer it would take for an article about myself (as opposed to an article written by myself) to get published in a newspaper. Hmm...... So my pen name first appeared on a national newspaper at the age of 19. The first article about me was published when I'm 24. So, 24 -19 = 5  years :-)

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